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侠盗飞车罪恶都市手机版下载-Trump says ABC debate moderators favored Kamala Harris: 'It was three to one'

时间:2024-09-20 15:00:40 来源:河伯为患网 作者:最新游戏 阅读:189次
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close Trump rips ABC for 'rigged' debate: 'It was three-to-one'Video

Trump rips ABC for 'rigged' debate: 'It was three-to-one'

Former President Donald Trump discusses his performance at the ABC News Presidential Debate and reflects on the Sept. 11 terrorist attack after 23 years.

Former President Donald Trump shredded ABC News for what he considered a "rigged deal" on the debate stage after he went head-to-head against Vice President Kamala Harris on various issues. 


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